I SPY Red, White & Blue!

I SPY a Cracker Jack prize, an ice cold drink, 2 Bozos, a Marvel hero, a mini dough boy, the Buckeye State, 2 toothy grins, a telephone, a jet, a pencil sharpener, and two guys named Bill.

I Spy Red, White & Blue by TJ Foster @ Whimsybop.com

Hooray for the Red, White & Blue!

Have a Safe & Happy 4th of July folks, and God Bless America!

TJ Foster

I was bitten by the collecting bug about 30 years ago and have been decorating my home with vintage doo-dads and second-hand finds ever since.
My hope is that Whimsybop will inspire you to see the beauty in old forgotten things, and to give second-hand treasures new life again.

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