
This is my next project. This lonely place in my yard that is in desperate need of attention. – Ha! You thought I was gonna tell you about these rusty chairs, didn’t you?

Yes, this eye sore in my yard has been ignored for far too long and it’s time to deal with it. I’ve transplanted flowers here and now my next big project is to plant grass seed. Hopefully by the end of summer this ugly and desolate place will be beautiful and full of life again.

Now about those chairs…

When I bought them several years ago, they were already rusty. Of course, I had big plans to make them beautiful, but that was just before buying our house which then took precedence over the chairs.

Some might think these chairs are beyond restoring – but I’m not ready to give up on them yet. You see, of all the metal chairs I own these are my favorites.

**WARNING: it’s gonna get deep from here on out…

You see, I have a lot in common with these chairs, I think we all do. When life breaks us …or makes us feel ugly …or worthless …or tired …or forgotten …or hopeless …or ….

And just like these old weathered chairs need someone to lovingly restore them to make them beautiful again, we also have the same need within us. And God is the only one who can fill that need. The Bible says in the 23rd Psalm that “He restores my soul.” I know this to be true because He restored my soul and continues to transform me as I walk with Him daily through the peaks and valleys of life.

How ironic that today is Good Friday and there are three ugly chairs in this unsightly place in my yard. Like those three ugly crosses of Calvary, I wonder which chair I’d be sitting in. Would I sit on the side of Jesus and hurl angry insults at him or would I sit on the other side and humbly ask him to save me? Which chair would you be sitting in?

It’s fascinating that Jesus, who died over 2000 years ago can still impact and change lives today. He impacted mine and I am forever changed and grateful for His sacrifice for me…for you…and for us all.

May we all have a GOOD Friday as we reflect on the love of God and strive to become more like Jesus every day.


TJ Foster

I was bitten by the collecting bug about 30 years ago and have been decorating my home with vintage doo-dads and second-hand finds ever since.
My hope is that Whimsybop will inspire you to see the beauty in old forgotten things, and to give second-hand treasures new life again.

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